Local RTMP Server

Some time ago I stumbled upon Local RTMP Server for macOS, a simple RTMP server for macOS that lives as a menubar application and makes it easy to get streams from RTMP-capable devices (such as my DJI Mavic Pro and apps like Larix Broadcaster) into OBS running on my Mac as well as running local FLV streams that can be viewed by a browser using flv.js

The app is a really simple Electron wrapper around the very capable (and also open source) node-media-server (NMS) although whilst the underlying NMS has been upgraded many times since, Local RTMP Server has stuck with an older version so I ended up using NMS from the command line all the time instead but missed the friendly GUI.

I therefore rebuilt (with some very minor changes) the Local RTMP Server app, and whilst originally only for my own use, decided to share my (probably somewhat hacky as I'm not a node expert!) build here.

This version offers a few improvements, notably;

  • Exposes the web-based interface provided by NMS
  • Can preview and monitor streams via the web based interface
  • Supports HLS and DASH
  • Adds OS X Notifications for streams

Hopefully someone finds it useful.

As an aside the latest version of NMS (v3) looks even more exciting and has far more functionality although it's now written in Go (so a bit of a misnomer calling it Node Media Server) and is also now commercial, closed source, software.

Credit to Mingliang Chen (@illuspas) and Sallar Kaboli (@sallar) for all the original work in node-media-server and mac-local-rtmp-server without which this (obviously) wouldn't exist.