Another classic bit of #techbodgery, a simple encoder option for ETCnomad (or an Element!) is the Contour Shuttle Xpress.
This is a decent quality encoder that's priced about £50 (2024) aimed mainly at video editors but it works as a great encoder for other purposes so it was only inevitable I was going to try and use it with my ETC Element (and ETCnomad)
I threw together a simple NodeJS script that converts the signal from these encoders to OSC commands, you can find it here
(note that this script does not require the normal drivers / application for the Shuttle Xpress to be installed, indeed it most likely won't work if they are!)
I've built this for my own use, and it has a few functions that would probably be more suited to an octopus, but the code is pretty self-explanatory and it should be easy to tweak.
The buttons primarily control Intensity, Pan, Tilt, Zoom, and the fifth button - when held - enables fine adjustment of any of these parameters.
However, additionally, if you hold any of the buttons they now control the shutter Thrust A, B, C, and D. Finally if you hold the button to control the shutter and you hold the Fine Adjustment button it will control the corresponding shutter angle.

Notably, I've not decided on a function of the 'jog dial' element, it currently does nothing.