I often (well, reasonably often) work with timecode and ETC Eos.
The excellent CuePoints has revolutionised this work flow, and exports files suitable for ETC Eos (and most other desks) to import. However, I wanted to be able to get these cues into an existing show file quickly and without faffing* with usb sticks
(*I appreciate it's not that much of a faff, but more than once the sticks have gone walkabout when you need them most)
Enter my EOS Timecode Companion. This simple app takes an export from Cue Points or similar CSV file (NB: NOT the Eos export option) and imports it into ETC Eos over OSC to either a local ETCnomad instance or over the network to a physical console.

I've provided it here in case someone else finds it useful, but please note the following important caveats;
- If a cue does not exist with the provided cue number, it will be created and labelled appropriately.
- Cue numbers can optionally contain / for different cue lists (e.g. 3/22 is Cue 22 in Cue List 3) but must be formatted without a space (e.g.
not3 / 22
) - If a cue does exist with the provided cue number the timecode, label, and fade time for this cue will be overwritten with that imported. This is useful for minor retiming of cues.
- This does not support multiple timecodes for the same cue (even though Eos does and it's really useful, so I will add this in the future!)
- I wrote this as a tool for myself first and foremost. It's hastily thrown together and is neither designed to be efficient nor well written, just to work. This is provided as-is and without warranty. save your show file first!
The format it expects is as follows (Tab-Seperated), the first row is assumed to be headers and is ignored. The Track and Type fields are ignored.
Track Type Position Cue No Label Fade
RunBoyRun Lighting 07:00:00:00 36 Bong 0
RunBoyRun Lighting 07:00:03:19 36.1 Bong 0
RunBoyRun Lighting 07:00:07:07 36.2 Bong 0
RunBoyRun Lighting 07:00:10:19 36.3 Bong 0
This is a cross-platform Electron app so should work for both Mac and Windows (thanks Joel for testing on Windows!)
- Download for Mac (ARM64 Apple Silicon)
- Download for Mac (Universal Intel)
- Download for Windows (x64/ARM)
Any feedback, suggestions etc, let me know!
In an ideal world a direct OSC integration will appear in a future version of CuePoints completely negating the need for this little app :-)